Outcomes and Results

Great Hearts academies surpass the best public and private schools in academic outcomes, students’ moral formation and co-curricular participation. We prepare our graduates for success in the most selective colleges and universities, which is seen in our impressive results.

The class of 2022 by the numbers:

729 graduates
$76,683,369 in merit-based scholarships
78% of our grads earned some form of merit aid
10 National Merit Finalists, 35 National Merit Commended, 36 National Scholars
The average SAT score was 1189, +129 over the national average
The average ACT score was 26.5, +6.2 points above the national average

The class of 2021 by the numbers:

689 graduates
$58,855,545 in merit-based scholarships
74% of our grads earned some form of merit aid
9 National Merit Finalists
The average SAT score was 1237, +177 over the national average